Sunday, June 3

After our long day at the falls on Saturday, I had some nasty stomach troubles so I went to bed early and slept in Sunday morning. I walked around a little, soaking up some sunlight before the group headed to a wildlife preserve. On the way, we stopped at a delicious looking buffet. I munched on some watermelon and watched glumly as everyone else gorged themselves.

We rolled up to a wildlife preserve that was created to save animals affected by the Itaipu dam. The dam flooded an area 175 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide, which displaced hundreds of square kilometers of flora and fauna. The preserve focuses on growing plants and breeding animals native to the area. We first walked through their plant nursery. They grow 300,000 seedlings per year there. They also have a fishery, where they grow fingerlings so that fisherman have something to catch in the off season.

Lastly, and most interestingly, we went to see the animals. We saw anteaters, alligators, capybara, birds, and some beautiful old JAGUARS. There was a mother and daughter jaguar in the exhibit, playing with each other in front of the observation window. It was super cool. I took lots of pictures, which I will probably publish in some form on the internet later. Anyway, for now let these pictures suffice.


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